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Schwab Workshop

  • July 12, 2024
  • 10:00 AM
  • Fireside Room at Gateway
  • 98


  • For Active Members Only

Registration is closed

The Financial Forum welcomes Jeff Brown, Director and Investment Portfolio Strategist, to the Fireside Room at 10 AM on July 12th. His topic will be “Tax Efficient Investing at Schwab.” He will address questions such as: How can direct indexing help you reduce your current or future tax bill? How can it be used to diversify a concentrated position? 

Mr. Brown primarily represents Schwab Personalized Indexing™ to clients, advisers, sales channels, and the media. He partners with other Schwab teams to optimize the firm’s personalized indexed offering and to create educational and market strategy content.

Before joining Schwab in 2022, Mr. Brown held several positions at Parametric Portfolio over his 22-year tenure, including director and product expert, vice president and senior relationship manager, and research analyst. He was also Laird Norton Trust Company's portfolio manager and a Quadra Capital Management research analyst.

Mr. Brown earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Washington. He holds Series 3, 6, 7, and 63 licenses. He is a CFA® charter holder and a CFA Society of Seattle member.

The Financial Forum is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to educate its members in all finance matters, including wealth management, estate planning, insurance, real estate, fraud, and identity theft. Donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated.

A continental breakfast will be available. To sign up, please press the Register button. For more information on the speaker or how to become a member, please call Joe Hoffman at 925-954-7912.

Rossmoor Financial Forum - 1001 Golden Rain Rd - Walnut Creek, CA 94595 - info@rffclub.net

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